TCPY TutorialΒΆ

tcpy makes it extremely simple to make TCP Servers and associated clients in Python.

Associate a command to a TCPHandler, define its execute() method and tcpy has you up and running:

# Server
from tcpy import TCPServer, TCPHandler

# Our handler class must inherit from TCPHandler
class AdditionHandler(TCPHandler):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        # Capture parameters as members of the class
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def execute(self):
        # success() will provide a well-formed success response
        return self.success(solution=self.x + self.y)

# Instantiate the server at default localhost:7272
server = TCPServer()
server.commands = {
    # Associate a command to our handler
    'add': AdditionHandler

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Start listening for requests!

On the client side, just execute() one of the server’s commands:

# Client
from tcpy import TCPClient

print TCPClient().execute(cmd="add", x=1, y=2)

Which outputs: {'solution': 3, 'success': True}.