TCPServer Objects

The TCPServer class handles accepting requests and queuing tasks for worker threads to complete.

TCPServer([host, port, commands, threads, poll_intv])

Initializes an instance of the TCPServer class.
  • host: the hostname where the server will live. Defaults to locahost.
  • port: the port on which the server will listen. Defaults to 7272.
  • commands: dictionary mapping command strings to handler classes.
  • threads: number of worker threads the server will spawn to execute tasks. Defaults to 4.
  • poll_intv: the period of time a worker will sleep before polling the request queue for work.


Tells a TCPServer object to begin listening for requests. TCPY will log the host and port where it is listening to stdout.

The TCPServer.commands Dictionary

The commands dictionary of a TCPServer object is how the server knows which commands to execute. It maps command names (strings) to handler classes.

For example:

from tcpy import TCPServer
from foo import FooHandler

server = TCPServer()
server.commands = {
    'foo': FooHandler    # maps the command 'foo' onto the FooHandler class

Defining commands this way allows clients to execute specific commands similar to a remote procedure call. A TCPClient may call execute on a given command, and the TCPServer will instantiate the appropriate handler class to serve the client’s request.